
 About Forest Trail Academy

How Our Partnership Works

forest trail academy logo

Hexa Academy Logo

Our Partnership with Forest Trail Academy

Forest Trail Academy, a premier private online school registered with the Florida Department of Education. With FTA commitment to excellence and a student-centered approach, they offer a comprehensive K-12 educational experience tailored to meet the needs of learners in the Palm Beach district. We are regionally, nationally and internationally accredited and offer various academic solutions for K-12 students.

How Our Partnership Works

    In Hexa Academy, after the students graduate from Grade 6, they will be enrolled and registered through our school in  Grade 7 to Grade 12 into Forest Trail Academy. Hexa Academy will be responsible to register the students and enroll them into FTA. Hexa Academy will also provide the students all the other elective courses or individual courses to let students have all the knowledge they need.  
